Psychic, a riveting tale of crime, mystery, and thriller, is set to captivate audiences as it hits theaters on December 15, 2023. This Kannada film, rated U/A, unfolds a narrative web that has garnered a respectable 3/5 from the viewers.
Directed by Pushkara Girigowda, Psychic boasts a talented cast featuring Sardar Sathya, Hamsa Prathap, Ramesh Bhat, and Rathasapthami Aravind in pivotal roles. Supporting this ensemble are actors including Kylas Dev, Nishitha Gowda, Rohith Nagesh, and more.
The storyline delves into the realms of crime, mystery, and thriller, weaving a plot that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. As the narrative unfolds, the characters played by the talented cast bring depth and intrigue to the story.
The musical score, composed by Tyagaraj, adds a layer of suspense, heightening the overall cinematic experience. Cinetech Soori’s cinematography captures the essence of the crime thriller, enhancing its visual appeal.
Chethan M. takes on the role of the film’s producer, contributing to the realization of Pushkara Girigowda’s vision. The film is poised to offer a thrilling ride for those seeking a blend of suspense and mystery.
With Psychic hitting theaters, the audience can expect a rollercoaster of emotions, unexpected twists, and an immersive experience in the world of crime and mystery. As the suspense unfolds on the big screen, viewers are in for a treat, guided by the director’s creative vision and the stellar performances of the cast.
As the release date approaches, Psychic stands as a promising addition to the Kannada cinema landscape, inviting audiences to unravel the mysteries it holds.