In a regrettable turn of events, the highly awaited Tamil film, “Kudimagan,” has been leaked online and is now accessible on several notorious websites, including Moviesda, 1TamilMv, Tamilblasters, Tamilyogi, Masstamilan, Kuttymovies, and Tamilplay. Despite these illicit leaks, we strongly encourage our users to support the movie by watching it exclusively in theaters.
Film Details:
Directed by Esakki Karvannan, “Kudimagan” is a rural drama that boasts a cast featuring Cheran, Lal, Sri Priyanka (Priya Joe), Vela Ramamoorthy, SA Chandrashekhar, and Aruldoss in significant roles. The film’s songs and sound scores have been artfully composed by Sam CS. While the movie has received mixed reviews from audiences, it has faced challenges at the box office due to the availability of its pirated version.
Film Review:
“Kudimagan” signifies Cheran’s comeback in a compelling role. Despite its modest cast, the film manages to captivate family audiences. In summary, it is considered a one-time watchable movie.
Where to Watch:
It is anticipated that the digital rights for “Tamil Kudimagan” will be acquired by Sony Liv. We strongly recommend viewers to enjoy Cheran’s latest film on a legal OTT platform rather than resorting to torrent sites.