Jana Gana Mana, meaning “The Minds of All People,” is an upcoming Indian Telugu-language military action film directed by Puri Jagannadh. The movie, which began production in June 2022, features Vijay Deverakonda and Pooja Hegde in lead roles. However, the film was reportedly shelved in September 2022 following the massive box office failure of Jagannadh and Deverakonda’s previous collaboration, Liger (2022).
Cast and Storyline
The film features Vijay Deverakonda in the lead role, while Pooja Hegde plays the female lead. The movie’s storyline remains unknown, as the makers have kept the details under wraps. However, it is expected to be a military action film with some thrilling sequences.
Production and Filming
Jana Gana Mana was initially announced in April 2016 with Puri Jagannadh and Mahesh Babu as the director and lead actors, respectively. However, due to unknown reasons, the film has yet to materialize. In March 2022, the project was revived, with Vijay Deverakonda signing on as the male lead.
Principal photography for the film commenced in June 2022 in Mumbai, and a schedule has reportedly been completed without Vijay Deverakonda. The makers have spent about ₹20 crores on the film, which is now rumoured to have been shelved.
The music for Jana Gana Mana is composed by Mani Sharma, who has previously worked with Puri Jagannadh on several projects. The songs and background scores are expected to be significant film highlights.
Positive Points
Jana Gana Mana is a much-anticipated film, and its star cast has generated a lot of buzz among moviegoers. The film is expected to have breathtaking action sequences, and the music will likely be a highlight. The movie also features the talented Pooja Hegde, who has delivered some outstanding performances in the past.
Negative Points
One of the most significant negative points of Jana Gana Mana is that the film has reportedly been shelved. The failure of Jagannadh and Deverakonda’s previous collaboration, Liger (2022), may have significantly impacted the decision to shelve this film. Additionally, there needs to be more information available about the movie’s storyline, which may not be ideal for some moviegoers.
What is Jana Gana Mana?
Jana Gana Mana is an Indian Telugu-language military action film directed by Puri Jagannadh.
What is Jana Gana Mana?
Jana Gana Mana is an Indian Telugu-language military action film directed by Puri Jagannadh.
Who is the lead actor in Jana Gana Mana?
Vijay Deverakonda is the lead actor in Jana Gana Mana.
Who is the female lead in Jana Gana Mana?
Pooja Hegde is the female lead in Jana Gana Mana.
When was Jana Gana Mana supposed to be released?
Jana Gana Mana was scheduled to be released worldwide on 3 August 2023.
Why was Jana Gana Mana reportedly shelved?
Jana Gana Mana was reportedly shelved following the box office failure of Jagannadh and Deverakonda’s previous collaboration, Liger (2022).
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In conclusion, Jana Gana Mana had the potential to be a highly anticipated film, but it has been shelved for now. Nonetheless, the movie’s cast and crew have generated a lot of excitement among moviegoers, and it is a project that many will continue to look forward to.