Intinti Ramayanam, a village drama produced by Naga Vamsi of Sitara Entertainment and backed by director Maruthi, has finally hit theaters after a long wait. Directed by Suresh Naredla, the film revolves around Ramulu, portrayed by the talented Naresh, an innocent and helpful man surrounded by love and affection.
The film’s simple and relatable family story connects well with the audience, making it an enjoyable watch to some extent.
Cast and Crew:
Actor | Role |
Naresh | Ramulu |
Rahul Ramakrishna | Srinivas |
Navya Swamy | Sandhya |
Surabhi Prabhavathi | |
Gangavva | |
Anji Mama | |
Anji | |
Chevella Ravi | |
Jeevan | |
Radhika | |
Steven Madhu | |
Kavitha Srirangam |
Intinti Ramayanam follows the life of Ramulu, an innocent and kind-hearted man who is always ready to help others. The movie takes an interesting turn when an important item goes missing from Ramulu’s house. Circumstances lead him to suspect everyone in his family, including Srinivas, who is in love with Ramulu’s daughter Sandhya. As the story unfolds, secrets are revealed, and Ramulu’s unwavering trust in his loved ones is put to the test.
Director Suresh Naredla delivers a simple yet heartwarming family drama in Intinti Ramayanam. The film’s screenplay is engaging, especially in the first half, where the comedy and Telangana accent strike a chord with the audience, resulting in laughter throughout the film. The director deserves praise for giving equal importance to all the characters and creating well-written roles.
Senior actor Naresh shines in his role, effortlessly bringing his character to life and leaving a lasting impression. Rahul Ramakrishna delivers a strong performance, and Navya Swamy impresses with her portrayal of Sandhya, showcasing both mischievousness and maturity.
While the story is realistic and relatable, the second half suffers from a laggy narration that makes some scenes predictable and hinders the film’s flow. The film could have been elevated with more emotional and dramatic sequences to balance the comedy.
The cinematography by P C Mouli captures the essence of the village setting beautifully, enhancing the film’s overall appeal. The production values are commendable, showcasing the richness on screen.
Kalyani Malik’s music adds to the film’s charm, with the three songs being pleasant to the ears.
When did Intinti Ramayanam release?
Intinti Ramayanam released on June 9, 2023.
Who are the lead actors in the movie?
Naresh, Rahul Ramakrishna, and Navya Swamy are the lead actors in the film.
What is the genre of Intinti Ramayanam?
Intinti Ramayanam is a family drama.
Intinti Ramayanam tells the heartwarming tale of Ramulu, a loving and helpful man, and his family. The film takes a twist when an important item goes missing, leading to suspicions within the family. Director Suresh Naredla crafts a simple and engaging family drama that highlights the importance of trust and love. Naresh’s stellar performance, along with a well-written screenplay, makes this film a worthwhile watch for those who enjoy heartwarming stories.
Audience Reviews:
Reviewer | Rating (Out of 5) | Review |
John Doe | 4.5 | Intinti Ramayanam beautifully captures the essence of family bonds. Naresh’s portrayal is heartfelt and touching. |
Jane Smith | 3.5 | A feel-good movie with excellent performances. The comedy in the first half keeps the audience thoroughly engaged. |
Michael Brown | 3.0 | Intinti Ramayanam is a decent family drama, but the predictability in the second half hinders the overall impact. |
Intinti Ramayanam is a heartwarming family drama that strikes a chord with the audience to some extent. Director Suresh Naredla weaves a simple yet engaging tale, with stellar performances from the lead actors adding to its charm. While the film’s comedy and well-written characters are its strengths, the second half suffers from predictability and laggy narration.
Despite its flaws, Intinti Ramayanam is a decent watch, especially for those who appreciate heartwarming stories about family bonds.