The much-awaited Telugu reality show, Bigg Boss Season 7, returned with a bang, promising an exciting blend of entertainment and suspense. The grand launch on September 3 set the stage on fire, featuring dazzling performances by Tollywood stars Vijay Deverakonda and Naveen Polishetty.
Hosted by the charismatic King Nagarjuna, the show introduces 14 confident contestants from various backgrounds, including popular movie actors, TV celebs, models, and social media influencers. The diverse lineup includes Priyanka Jain, Sivaji, Damini Bhatla, Prince Yawar, Subhashree Rayaguru, Shakeela, Aata Sandeep, Sobha Shetty, Tasty Teja, Rathika, Gautham, Krishna, Kiran Rathore, Pallavi Prashanth, and Amardeep.
The first week unfolded with a series of tasks, nominations, and the first elimination. Kiran Rathod bid adieu to the Bigg Boss house, setting the stage for the intense journey ahead.
Day 1 brought fun tasks where male contestants tied bands on female contestants they considered lucky. The nomination process started on Day 2, leading to heated arguments, accusations, and emotional moments. The week ended with nominations, revealing eight contestants in the elimination round.
In a surprising turn of events, Day 9 introduced a chance for one contestant to secure immunity for five consecutive weeks. The wrestling task, named the beast, determined the contender’s physical and mental strength.
Day 10 lightened the mood as contestants showcased their skills and talents to impress Bigg Boss. The week concluded with the elimination of Kiran Rathod.
Day 16 brought intense drama as contestants vied for the Power Astra through challenging tasks. The battle for supremacy continued on Day 17, featuring a budding romance between Radhika and Yawar.
Day 18 added unexpected twists, with contenders selected based on their weak gameplay. Laughter echoed in the house with Raviteja’s comedy, providing a welcome break from the tension.
In the third week, singer Damini faced elimination, leaving the housemates and viewers in suspense. The unexpected twists continued with a three-member jury deciding nominations in a dramatic Monday episode on Day 22.
As the show progresses, the Bigg Boss Telugu Season 7 promises more drama, surprises, and entertainment. With each episode bringing new challenges, conflicts, and alliances, the contestants strive to navigate the rollercoaster ride of emotions and emerge victorious.