Experience the world of mystery and crime with “Alexa,” a Kannada thriller that unfolds over a compelling 2 hours and 18 minutes. Directed by Jeeva L J, the movie features a talented cast, including Pavan Teja, Aditi Prabhudeva, Hanumanthe Gowdar, and Chandrakala Mohan.
Released on January 26, 2024, “Alexa” invites the audience into a gripping narrative that falls under the genres of Crime, Mystery, and Thriller. As of the latest update on January 25, 2024, the movie is yet to receive a user rating.
The plot of “Alexa” remains shrouded in mystery, and the film promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With a strong cast and the direction of Jeeva L J, the movie aims to deliver an immersive experience in the world of crime and suspense.
Step into the realm of uncertainty and unravel the enigma as “Alexa” takes you on a journey filled with suspense, mystery, and thrilling moments.