Rogue is a gripping 2017 Indian action thriller film directed by Puri Jagannadh and produced by C. R. Manohar and C. R. Gopi under Tanvi Films. Shot simultaneously in Telugu and Kannada, the film boasts a talented cast including Ishan, Mannara Chopra, Angela Krislinzki, and Thakur Anoop Singh.
The story revolves around Sanju/Chanti (played by Ishan), a rebellious young man nursing a deep disdain for women after a bitter breakup. When he inadvertently crosses paths with constable Murali (portrayed by Satyadev Kancharana), events take an unexpected turn. Sanju, moved by Murali’s plight, embarks on a journey to help his family, setting the stage for a series of intense confrontations with the notorious gangster Psycho (Thakur Anoop Singh). As Sanju races against time to protect Murali’s sister Anjali (Mannara Chopra) from Psycho’s sinister plans, the film unfolds into a gripping tale of action and suspense.
The film’s soundtrack, composed by Sunil Kashyap, adds depth and emotion to the narrative, featuring tracks like “Ghumshuda,” “Nee Kosam,” and “Ee Pranam,” among others.
Rogue received mixed reviews upon its release. Mukta Badipatla of The Times of India praised its entertaining blend of humor and action, rating it 3.5/5 stars. However, Hemanth Kumar of Firstpost gave it a more critical review, suggesting a departure from Puri Jagannadh‘s usual style.
Despite varying opinions, Rogue stands as a compelling addition to the action thriller genre, offering audiences a thrilling ride filled with twists and turns.