“Marivillin Gopurangal” unfolds as a captivating tale, a forthcoming Indian Malayalam-language drama film directed by the talented Arun Bose. With a narrative penned by Arun Bose and Pramod Mohan, this cinematic creation promises to be a visual and emotional journey.
Indrajith Sukumaran, a stalwart of Malayalam cinema, takes on the role of Shinto, leading a stellar cast that includes Shruti Ramachandran as Sherin, Sarjano Khalid as Rony, and Vincy Aloshious as Meenakshi. The ensemble is a mosaic of talent that adds depth to the storytelling canvas.
The film’s principal photography commenced in late April 2023 against the scenic backdrop of Kochi. The customary puja ceremony marked the beginning of this artistic endeavor, with Indrajith Sukumaran joining the set on April 29, 2023. The culmination of this visual odyssey occurred in late June 2023, weaving together the essence of the narrative.
As the frames come to life, the cinematography, entrusted to Syamaprakash M. S., captures the nuances and emotions, creating a visual symphony. The editing prowess of Arun Bose and Shaijal P. V. ensures a seamless flow, allowing the story to unfold with cinematic finesse.
Adding melody to the narrative is the musical genius Vidyasagar, who composes the film’s soundtrack